The Best Bracelet-Making Kits to Get Your Kids in 2023

By | September 29, 2023

Discover the ultimate guide to bracelet-making kits in 2023.

The best part?

These kits aren’t just about creating beautiful bracelets; they’re about unlocking creativity, improving fine motor skills, and fostering a sense of accomplishment in your child. Imagine your child creating customized bracelets to share with friends, learning patterns, and expressing themselves uniquely.

If you’re looking to provide a fun, educational, and skill-building activity that keeps them engaged for hours and lets them showcase their personality, then you’re in the right place. Not only will they be entertained, but they’ll also have tangible keepsakes of their creativity.

Ready to find the perfect kit for your budding artist? Dive in and see the best options for 2023.

Why bracelet-making?

Before we dive into our list, let’s talk about the benefits of introducing your child to the world of bracelet-making. This isn’t just about crafting pretty accessories; it’s about fostering creativity, honing fine motor skills, building patience, and offering a fantastic bonding opportunity. A bracelet-making kit can also instill a sense of accomplishment in your child when they create something with their own two hands.

Bracelets – Crafting Joy and Imagination for Young Minds

Bracelets have been adorning our wrists for centuries, but for kids today, the experience of creating these intricate pieces offers a unique blend of fun, learning, and creativity. With countless bracelet-making kits on the market, how do we pick the perfect one? Let’s dive deep into the wonderful world of bracelet-making as a toy.

Bracelet Making – A Toy That Grows With Your Child

Bracelet-making kits are versatile, offering a wide range of complexity suitable for kids of different ages. From the colorful and simple loom bands to the intricate designs of friendship bracelets, there’s a kit for every child’s budding creativity.

  1. Simple to Complex: A basic bracelet-making kit with large beads and simple clasps might be suitable for younger kids. Upgrade to kits with more intricate designs, beads, and techniques as they grow. This ensures the toy evolves with them, providing lasting engagement.
  2. Colors and patterns: Children adore vibrant colors. Many kits offer a rainbow of shades, allowing kids to mix and match to their hearts’ desire. It’s a delightful sensory experience as they feel the texture of beads, threads, and other materials.

Fostering creativity and cognitive skills

While on the surface, a bracelet-making kit may seem like just another toy, it’s a gateway to fostering creativity and improving cognitive skills.

  • Problem-Solving: Kids often need to figure out how to assemble patterns, deciding which bead or color comes next. It’s a fun challenge that sharpens their problem-solving skills.
  • Fine Motor Skills: Threading a bead or tying a knot enhances hand-eye coordination. For a 10-year-old, a more complex bracelet-making kit can improve dexterity, setting them up for tasks that require precision.
  • Patience and perseverance: Completing a bracelet design can be time-consuming. This process teaches kids the value of patience and the joy of seeing a task through to its end.

The Joy of Sharing and Bonding

The best friendship bracelet kit not only allows kids to craft but also to share. They can exchange bracelets with friends, strengthening bonds and creating lifelong memories.

Moreover, bracelet-making can be a joint activity between parents and kids. It provides an avenue for bonding, sharing stories, exchanging ideas, and spending quality time together.

Which kit should I choose?

With many choices, selecting the best bracelet-making kit can be a tad overwhelming. Here are some quick tips:

  • Age-appropriate: Always consider the age of the child. For younger kids, opt for kits with larger pieces and simpler designs. Older kids might enjoy kits that offer intricate patterns and diverse materials.
  • Reviews: Online reviews can be a goldmine of information. They provide insights into the durability, ease of use, and overall kit quality.
  • Educational Value: Some kits come with added educational materials, like a brief history of bracelet making or tutorials on different knot techniques. This could be a bonus!

Our Top Picks for Bracelet Making Kits Galore – Finding the Right One

While the world of bracelet-making kits is vast, we’ve done the hard work for you. Here are our top picks tailored for different interests and ages:

1. Premium Friendship Bracelet String Kit

If you’re feeling nostalgic for crafting colorful knotted friendship bracelets, you’ll appreciate the convenience of the Premium Friendship Bracelet String Kit from Mira HandCrafts. This kit offers an affordable solution to buying individual embroidery floss bundles. It includes a well-organized plastic storage kit and essential tools like threaders and stitch rippers to simplify your crafting process. What sets this kit apart is its stunning color range with 96 different shades, making it one of the best bracelet-making kits available for just $20.


  • Includes 222 pieces of embroidery floss.
  • Comes with cross-stitch tools.


  • The plastic box is slightly flimsy.

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2. Make It Real: Juicy Couture Pink and Precious Bracelets

The Make It Real Juicy Couture Pink and Precious Bracelets kit is ideal for fashion-forward kids who prefer glitz and glamour. This kit lets young creators craft eye-catching jewelry featuring loops, chains, and charms inspired by Juicy Couture designs. It’s perfect for introducing children to more intricate jewelry making while providing almost 400 beads and ten charms to work with. This kit balances style and creativity at a great price point.


  • Features close to 400 beads, 10 charms, and more.
  • Offers great value for the price.


  • Beads are relatively small.

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3. Make It Real: Neo-Brite Chains and Charms

Can’t decide between making colorful bracelets from embroidery floss or stylish chain and charm jewelry? Look no further than the Make It Real Neo-Brite Chains and Charms kit. This kit focuses on vibrant neon colors and beadwork, encouraging kids to develop coordination while nurturing their creative talents. It’s also one of the most budget-friendly options on our list.


  • Includes beads, charms, tassels, and materials for up to 10 bracelets.
  • Highly affordable.


  • Instructions could be more detailed, especially for the target audience.

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4. Craft-Tastic Bracelet Box

If you want a versatile bracelet-making experience, the Craft-tastic Bracelet Box is an excellent choice. Priced at under $15, this kit provides materials for creating nine different bracelet styles, making it a fantastic introduction to various techniques and designs. With brightly colored materials, it’s like a sampler platter of bracelet making, perfect for sparking creativity.


  • Features brightly colored materials.
  • Affordable price point.


  • Instructions could provide more details.

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5. Loom Band Bracelets: Rainbow Rubber Band Refill Kit

For crafters in the know, loom band crafts are a hot trend. The Loom Band Bracelets Rainbow Rubber Band Refill Kit from Inscraft is a comprehensive set that includes bands, beads, S-clips, alphabet beads, charms, and various tools. It’s known for its super colorful selection and even comes with a replacement pack, ensuring endless bracelet-making fun.


  • Contains loom bands, beads, S-clips, alphabet beads, charms, and tools.
  • Offers a vibrant color range.


  • The case quality is subpar.

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6. Rainbow Loom Bracelet Craft Kit

The Rainbow Loom Bracelet Craft Kit is an excellent choice for patient and adventurous kids. This kit includes materials for crafting bracelets and provides a display stand for organization and a looming tool. It’s perfect for creating intricate woven bracelets with the help of a comprehensive instructional pattern guide.


  • Comes with an assortment of rubber bands.
  • Features an extensive instruction manual.


  • Tools may not be very durable.

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7. Alex’s DIY Friends Forever Bracelet Kit

If you want to create classic friendship bracelets with various patterns and guidance, consider the Alex DIY Friends Forever Bracelet Kit from Alex Toys. This kit offers 22 bracelet patterns and all the necessary materials to bring them to life. With clear instructions for creating intricate designs, including hearts, stripes, diamonds, and flowers, this kit adds the bonus of including beads and a beading tool for certain designs.


  • Allows you to make 22 bracelets with various patterns.
  • Features patterns like hearts, stripes, diamonds, and flowers.


  • Not suitable for younger users.

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Choose the best bracelet-making kit for your young crafters and let their creativity shine while they craft beautiful friendship bracelets and jewelry.

What to Look for in the Perfect Bracelet-Making Kit?

Choosing the best bracelet-making kit isn’t just about picking the most attractive beads or the fanciest box. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Age Appropriateness: Ensure the kit is suitable for your child’s age in terms of complexity and safety.
  • Versatility: A kit with various designs and materials can keep your child engaged for longer.
  • Quality: Durable and non-toxic materials should always be a priority.
  • Instructions: Detailed, clear instructions can make or break the bracelet-making experience.

Why It’s a Great Gift?

Birthdays, holidays, or just because a bracelet-making kit is a wonderful gift for several reasons:

  • Creativity: It allows kids to explore their artistic side.
  • Independence: They can make something all by themselves or with little guidance.
  • Tangible Results: At the end of their crafting session, they have something beautiful to show for their effort.

Ready to shop?

Alright, fellow craft enthusiasts, you’re now equipped with all the information you need to choose the best bracelet-making kit for your young one in 2023. Remember, it’s not just about the end product; it’s about the joy, creativity, and skills they pick up during the process.